News and Events

News and Events

10/25/2014Limit WMQ connections in MuleESBRecently found an interesting WMQ performance tip when using within MuleSoft’s MuleESB. Original post is on LinkedIn. First you need to specify explicitly the connection pool as bean in this way: <spring:bean id=”mqConnectionFactory” name=”wmqConnectionFactory” class=””> <spring:property name=”transportType” value=”1″/> <spring:property name=”queueManager” value=”${broker.wmq.manager}”/> <spring:property name=”hostName” value=”${broker.wmq.hostname}”/> <spring:property name=”port” value=”${broker.wmq.port}”/> <spring:property name=”channel” value=”${}”/> </spring:bean> And than create a […]10/02/2014Qflex 4.3.2 (Minor Release)Qflex 4.3.2 Minor maintenance/bug fix release, addressing the following issues: Database-related issues for updating from 3.x versions. Alert view is updated to remove any potential issues during upgrade process from very old versions of Qflex. Other misc. fixes.09/12/2014Qflex 4.3.1 (Minor Update)Qflex 4.3.1 Minor maintenance/bug fix release, addressing the following issues: Websphere MQ error logging during failover to passive Queue Manager. Report scheduling error messaging fixes. Other misc. fixes.09/12/2014How to schedule daily reports email in QflexIt’s been asked many times before so we decided to post a quick guide to make it easier for everyone to schedule daily report generation and notification. First, make sure you have saved reports. Best way is to select hourly range so the report is relative. Create necessary Qflex report and make sure to save […]09/02/2014Netflexity becomes a sponsor of MQTC conference!Capitalware’s MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.4 (MQTC) is an event that will educate attendees on current practices, methodologies, administration, problem determination, security best practices and technology trends for IBM’s WebSphere MQ. Please see announcement here: Roger’s Blog post MQTC Conference
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