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News and Events

12/29/2014Qflex 4.3.5 Now Available (Major Release)Added support for IBM Integration Bus v9+ and Websphere Message Broker v7+ statistics collections and performance monitoring. Fixed SSL connectivity issues with IBM WMQ 7+ Queue Managers using Java 7 and up (see SSL Connectivity Guide). Optimized performance of Queue Manager auto-discovery feature. Minor GUI improvements. Qflex 4.3.5 Download Happy Holidays!11/11/2014Websphere MQDespite all of the choices we get nowadays around messaging, including cloud solutions offered by Amazon Web Services (SQS) and Google PubSub, Websphere MQ still remains the top choice for Enterprise applications requiring reliable messaging. Based on some recent performance reviews, seems like purchasing Websphere MQ license is worth an investment. Here is a good performance review of IBM […]11/11/2014How to configure Websphere MQ Queue Manager as JMS providerCommercial version of Qflex Websphere MQ monitoring tool allows you to add and monitor Websphere Message Brokers. Before that can be done Queue Manageer needs to be configured or enabled as a JMS provider. To accomplish that one needs to execute a special script that comes as part of Websphere MQ installation. Note, for Websphere MQ […]11/07/2014Qflex 4.3.3 Now AvailableUpdated Websphere MQ Queue Manager discovery process. Please note that the process is pretty intensive and takes at times over a minute. Fixed styling issues related to Microsoft IE browsers. Added MCAUSER field to Queue Manager connection screen in order to connect with a predefined admin user instead of MQM, which is not a good […]10/25/2014Limit WMQ connections in MuleESBRecently found an interesting WMQ performance tip when using within MuleSoft’s MuleESB. Original post is on LinkedIn. First you need to specify explicitly the connection pool as bean in this way: <spring:bean id=”mqConnectionFactory” name=”wmqConnectionFactory” class=””> <spring:property name=”transportType” value=”1″/> <spring:property name=”queueManager” value=”${broker.wmq.manager}”/> <spring:property name=”hostName” value=”${broker.wmq.hostname}”/> <spring:property name=”port” value=”${broker.wmq.port}”/> <spring:property name=”channel” value=”${}”/> </spring:bean> And than create a […]
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