News and Events

News and Events

06/12/2020Qflex 4.5.7 Now AvailableThis release addresses a critical vulnerability in Apache Tomcat by upgrading to v8.5.56. On May 20, 2020, the Apache foundation released information regarding a critical vulnerability (CVE-2020-9484) affecting Apache Tomcat. The vulnerability is due to incorrect validation of the deserialized data. A remote attacker exploiting this vulnerability, if he is able to control the content and […]03/24/2020Qflex 4.5.6 Now AvailableWe are happy to announce another minor release of Qflex Websphere MQ and IIB monitoring software. IIB Libraries Updated to v10.0.0.19 WMQ Libraries Updated to v9.1.0.1 IBM JSSE Provider Updated to v8.0 Misc UI bug fixes DB Fixes around reporting Added optional user SQL start script Filtered deleted resources during large import processes07/23/2019Qflex 4.5.5 Now AvailableWe are happy to announce another minor release of Qflex Websphere MQ and IIB monitoring software. Patched Windows service creation script. Enabled support for secure LDAP (LDAPS). Updated support for latest Java 8 Cipher suites.04/24/2019How to Reuse Flows in Mule 4?Global flows are regular Mulesoft flows that contain common reusable logic, but shared across multiple applications, thus reducing code duplication and promoting reuse. It’s a must for any organization that is serious about using their Mulesoft platform.  03/07/2019Anypoint Studio 6.6.0 Stack Overflow ErrorIssue With latest release of Mulesoft’s Anypoint Studio 6.6.0 for Mule v3 development we get some updates along with some major features that prevent smooth development process. Studio is trying to be more helpful and proactive and seems to constantly keep loading all XML Schemas for all the namespaces specified at the top of all […]
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