News and Events

News and Events

02/08/2017Qflex v4.5.2 now available!We are happy to release v4.5.2 which includes below enhancements: Alert recovery emails can now be routed to optional separate email if email address with the word “recovery” is included in list of emails in monitor settings. For example, “,” Email notifications can now be set to be HTML or plain text type. Websphere MQ […]11/03/2016Qflex 4.5.1 Now AvailableThis release contains minor patch related to v8.0.0.3 of IBM PCF library that had issues fetching queue statistics for versions below v8 of Websphere MQ. Strict checking of PCF responses is now disabled by default in v8.0.0.5 up Qflex Polling Policies (Cron expressions)Many Qflex features utilize polling policies, including monitors, scheduled reports, maintenance windows and others. Cron expressions are powerful, but not really intuitive and easy to create. For that reason Qflex provides sepcial user interface to set these up. Even though Qflex v4.5.0 will come bundled with a good set of pre-configured polling policies, there would still […]10/12/2016Qflex 4.5.0 Now AvailableWe are happy to announce a new version of Qflex with multiple features additions as well as important bug fixes. Added support for IIB10 (No Queue Manager dependencies) Added OS version field for Queue Manager form in order to provide custom handling for Z/OS environments Added new “Maintenance Windows” feature that allows scheduling planned downtime and […]06/07/2016Why am I getting MQ Reason 2035 MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZEDAs many Qflex users experience “MQ reason 2035” issue during setup, this article provide some insight on the topic as well as a way to resolve the issue. WebSphere MQ V7.1 introduced CHLAUTH rules, which by default banned remote access for privileged users (users that belong to MQM group and can execute operation without being […]
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