News and Events

News and Events

Qflex 3.1 Now Available.

Qflex 3.1 Enhancements

  • SSL support to securely connect to the messaging infrastructure.
  • Added applications layer, which abstracts away the notion of queues and qmanagers, giving more intuitive view of the business and its transactions.
  • Application-based reports.
  • Added support for container-managed authentication. (JNDI, JAAS, Memory or Database).
  • Added $applications variable to be able to iterate through a list of applications effected by Queue monitor.
  • Added a pie chart to the welcome page for application performance.
  • Added a view of all monitors per application.
  • Added Unmonitored Queues view to Monitors page to view a list of all unmonitored queues.


Qflex 3.1 Bug Fixes

  • QFB501 – Preserving filter value for data table serch forms.
  • QFB418 – Qmanager Down monitor.
  • QFB419 – MQ connection pool leakage.
  • QFB502 – Changed Status columns in data tables to contain value “On” and “Off”. This way, one can easily search the table by status.